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UzLITI Engineering is holding annual Performance Appraisal. The main objectives of the appraisal initiated by the company management is to improve the efficiency of employees' performance.

“The appraisal will be held from October to December”, said Shakhnoza Umarova, Lead Specialist for Personnel Training and Development. “The automated system to control performance efficiency of each specialist has been created and launched in our company. It evaluates KPI based on six criteria, each criterion has its own weight allowing to evaluate the effectiveness of each specialist. 

It should be noted that all employees of UzLITI Engineering have the opportunity to monitor the level of their KPI and know in which aspects of work they need to improve their performance and efficiency. The appraisal process is individualized, i.e. each employee receives his/her own case with questions, which shall be answered in writing on the day set for this purpose.

Upon the completion, the evaluation commission consisting of Deputy Directors, Chief Engineer, Chief Project Engineers and heads of departments will give their verdict affecting further career advancement of the specialist.