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UzLITI Engineering specialists start working in the first field office of the Company in mid-June 2022.

The field office work is aimed at expediting the resolution of issues that arise directly at the construction site and will be carried out jointly with representatives of the engineering company authorship supervision, Client and construction company technical supervision.

Working directly on site enables immediate implementation of necessary activities on design documentation approval, including review and addressing of comments in situ.

In particular, site discussion of any issues arising during construction provides an opportunity to simplify and agree design solutions where necessary. This will speed up the project implementation process while fully complying with the regulatory standards.

UzLITI Engineering field office is an opportunity to speed up the process of communication between construction site and project office during construction, revise documentation in order to achieve maximum project implementation efficiency and carry out reliable audit on how accurately and completely the results of UzLITI Engineering designers work was implemented after the construction completion.