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Table Tennis Tournament

A table tennis tournament was held last weekend. The competition was organized by the Sports Committee of UzLITI Engineering, and 38 men and 6 women took part in this tournament. 

The event was held in a warm friendly atmosphere, but at the same time its participants remembered that they were competing for prizes. Although ping-pong is played with a racket, it is won with the head. 

“Sports games are the best platform for involving employees in the corporate community, strengthening team spirit and cooperation," said Munir Ahmad Bilal, the winner of the tournament. - I think that such competitions should be organized on a regular basis. I participated with pleasure and I am happy I won!”

During the tournament, the participants competed in groups, the winners of which then competed for the main prizes. As a result, Ekaterina Morozova (1st place), Ozlem Seydalioglu (2nd place) and Elina Nigmatullina (3rd place) were the winners among women. For men the best was Munir Ahmad Bilal, Evgeny Karpenko and Sergey Timoshenko took the second and third places respectively. 

Sport has become a reliable friend of UzLITI Engineering specialists, and there are many more exciting tournaments ahead.