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Start and finish in a fairytale city

The recently held international charity marathon BUKHARA NIGHT RACE drew in a thousand of athletes, amateur runners and sports enthusiasts. The employees of our company UzLITI Engineering could not but take part in this significant event. This time 24 specialists of the engineering centre went to one of the gorgeous cities of Uzbekistan to contribute to the charity run!

“This is the second time that I take part in the annual Bukhara Night Race,” said Anton Yatsevyuk, Chief Power Supply Specialist “I’d like to note that this year the organization of the event has taken up a notch. The race took place in the ancient part of Bukhara, with the start and finish lines near the Ark Fortress, one of the most popular sights of the city.

Nice weather also favoured the marathon, it was cool with little drizzle, which made it easier to run the distance. I ran 10 kilometers and took 78th place. I would like to thank the organisers for the opportunity to participate in the event of such a scale.”

We congratulate all runners with the successful participation in the marathon and wish them luck and victory in the future competitions!