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Team working on site!

Operational requirements demand frequent visits of the Company’s specialists to the project sites, the purpose being to solve various issues in cooperation with site personnel.

Today we will tell you about electrical team members performing specific tasks at the Copper Concentration Plant (MOF-3) in Almalyk.

“We represent a kind of a quick response team under the Mining and Chemical Design Division," said Dmitriy Meleshko, Team Leader. “The purpose of our presence at the MOF-3 construction site is to solve issues related to power supply design in collaboration with EPCM (Engineering Procurement Construction Management) team. At the moment, engineering activities are ongoing simultaneously with the construction of the plant, which entails the necessity of agreeing on various parameters on a regular basis, and that’s why we are here.

For instance, one of the tasks is to receive up-to-date information on the status of works performed and the needs of the construction team and share this info with UzLITI Engineering design office. Such coordination helps to release technical solutions and detailed design deliverables in a timely manner, which has a positive effect on the progress of project implementation. As an example, I can tell you about our weekly visits to the construction sites together with the EPCM team in order to define the cable tray routing, taking into account the stages of project implementation, to determine the possibility of installing a transformer substation for temporary power supply, the possibility of connecting to existing overhead lines, etc. In addition, we hold joint meetings to resolve any identified problems.”

We wish our colleagues success in achieving all their goals and successful implementation of all their plans.