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UzLITI Engineering is implementing BIM technologies. The main task of the current stage is to bring the organization to Level 2 BIM maturity level.

“These technologies represent a new evolutionary stage in the process of engineering, and construction and operation of facilities, allowing to joint various software products and tools to simplify object visualization, make modeling cheaper and, most importantly, avoid discrepancies and errors between disciplines prior to the construction stage, said Maxim Alexeev, CAD Manager of BIM Design Department. - At Level 2 BIM maturity, collaborative work expands, a single source of reliable data is created, efficiency and quality increases, risks reduce and safety improves.”

We organized step-by-step online Autodesk Revit training for specialists from various departments. For this purpose, we make tutorial videos and text instructions on how to use these innovations in practice. They are published in UzleBIMCAD's Telegram Channel. Feedback is considered to improve the efficiency and answer the questions and discuss the issues arising during the training. 

By now, specialists from the Electrical department have been trained, and it is ongoing for the designers of low-voltage systems now, next in the queue are our  civil engineers, and specialists for HVAC, and Water Supply and Sewerage systems. 

The plan is to develop templates and tools for the timely detection of clashes, elimination of discrepancies between departments and disciplines, automation of tasks assignment, approval of drawings, reducing coordination and approval time, obtaining data for estimates, and avoiding design errors prior to construction.